What happens to sand which has come into contact with Earth bound celestial beings?  We at  NameAGrainofSand.com  have scores of tourists, lifeguards, hotel employees, and the random stalker who vigilantly "carpe de sand" for us.  Additionally, we personally visit as many beaches as we can write-off for business purposes.

Why $9.99 you ask?  Scouring the Twitter feed and TMZ updates can be costly.  Not to mention the legal expense for defending the occasional criminal trespass charge.

But think what delight a Grain of Sand which may have once touched  a favorite celebrity will bring a true fan!  Combine that Grain of Sand with one of the beautiful necklaces purchased specifically to carry that Grain of Sand closer to that true fan's heart, and you are GOLDEN!

So hurry and buy yours today!  Supplies are limited!

(With possible exceptions for Rihanna & Matthew McConaughey.)

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